Meet the herd!

Welcome to our tranquil lavender farm on Manitoulin Island, Ontario. Here, amidst the serenity of our large property, we have created a sanctuary of lush pasture and dense forest for our cherished herd of Mini Lamancha goats.

At the heart of our herd are Heather and ReMi, our original two Mini Lamanchas. Heather, with her unique mix of stubbornness and gentleness, adds charm and character to our day-to-day life. Despite her occasional stubborn streak, she remains a gentle, approachable presence in our herd.

Now grandma to many of the kids in the herd, Heather is patient and gentle, with the kids usually found playing around and on top of her!

ReMi, our prime matriarch despite her smaller size, oversees our growing family with an authoritative yet tender touch, embodying the renowned gentleness of the Mini Lamancha breed.

Choosing Mini Lamanchas was an easy decision. With their high butterfat content, impressive milk production, and their inherently sweet and docile nature, they fit right into our family and our farm. The milk they produce, delicious and nutrient-dense, has become an indispensable part of our family’s diet, milked by hand, consumed raw and transformed into homemade yogurts and cheeses. We also create goat milk soap, caramels, fudge, and more!

Beyond their physical traits and production, our herd's members, including Amidala, Leia, Tempo, Lyric, and our newest additions born in June 2023 - Mozart ('Mo-mo'), Beethoven ('Beta'), Poppy, Primrose, Laurel, and Sonny - all share an innate gentleness and sociability that make them a joy to care for.

Our farm isn't just about raising goats; it's about nurturing a lifestyle in harmony with nature. Natalie, our farm's primary animal caretaker, treats any ailments using natural remedies, focusing on herbal solutions and essential oils, always prioritizing the prevention of illness through optimal dietary provisions.

Free to roam and graze at will on our pastures and forests, our goats thrive, embodying the vibrant health and vitality that comes from a life lived in tune with nature's rhythms.

Heather and ReMi have taught us more than just the art of holistic goatherding. Their unspoken wisdom has shown us the importance of living in harmony with nature, the joy of simple pleasures, and the value of a close-knit community. As the herd matriarchs, they are the leaders, teachers, and gentle guides for our other goats, embodying the spirit of resilience and affection.

From the gentle rhythm of their grazing to the rich creaminess of their milk, Heather and ReMi have been instrumental in shaping our lavender farm's identity. They are not just goats to us but part of our farm's heart, setting the pace for our holistic, sustainable practices. Join us as we continue this beautiful journey into holistic goatherding, inspired by Heather, ReMi, and the love they exude every day. Stay tuned for more stories from our farm, where every day is an adventure in living in tune with nature.