Love goats? Love being outside? Join us on a walk through our beautiful Manitoulin property with our goats! If the lavender is in bloom, walks will include a visit to the lavender field. Contact us to learn more.


Treat yourself or give the gift of a goat without having to worry about feeding, housing and caring for one! Scroll down to meet the goats and complete an adoption for yourself or as a gift! Two packages available - virtual only, or schedule up to 4 in-person visits with your goat!

Our Goats

  • brown goat with black strips running from her eyes to the corners of her mouth


    Heather was one of our first goats and is the second-oldest in the herd! She is so very gentle, and a wonderful grandma to all our young goats. She has been unofficially retired from the milk stand, but remains as Natalie’s favourite goat to milk.
    Click here to Adopt Heather!

  • ReMi

    Registered as “the Sound of Music”, Doe ReMi is the oldest goat in our herd, and the herd matriarch. She is the first to the hay feeder and refuses to take any nonsense from the youngins! She’s shy toward strangers but is quick to come see you for head scratches and cuddles once she gets to know you.
    Click here to Adopt ReMi!

  • Tempo

    Registered as “Manitoulin Feel the Beat”, Tempo is the son of ReMi and while his horns are quite intimidating, he is a quiet and gentle buck who enjoys head scatches and being brushed.

    Click Here to Adopt Tempo!

  • Leia

    Princess Leia was one of the first kids born on our farm. She’s got a spunky but calm attitude and isn’t shy to ask for attention from anyone with hands standing nearby. She doesn’t like to take no for an answer and will push her head into your leg until you pet her… or fall over!

    Click here to adopt Leia!

  • Laurel

    Laurel takes after her mother Leia in her demands for attention. When she was young, she climbed into Natalie’s lap any chance she could get for cuddles.

    Click here to adopt Laurel!

  • Amidala

    Leia’s sister Amidala is the most stereotypical goat in our herd! She learned at just a few weeks old how to jump out of her pen, and at 2 years old (and despite a permanent injury caused by her escape artist shenanigans) she still acts like she owns the barn! Amidala is great at showing us where the holes in our infrastructure are!

    Click here to adopt Amidala!

  • Primrose

    This beauty is by far our most shy doe. It took Natalie a year to convince Primrose to allow her to approach her for head scratches and pats. She’s playful and doesn’t stray far from her sister, Poppy.

    Click here to adopt Primrose!

  • Poppy

    Poppy isnt quite a shy as her sister Primrose, but is cautious of new people and things. She appreciates quiet, gentle folks who are willing to wait for her to be the first to approach.

    Click here to adopt Poppy!

  • Lyric

    Tempo’s long-eared, blue-eyed brother! Lyric loves wrestling with his brother and spending aftenoons sunbathing while chewing his cud!

    Click here to adopt Lyric!

  • Sonny

    Sonny is our herd’s only wether (castrated goat), and is more like a dog with horns than a goat! He lives for pats and cuddles, and is the first to greet Natalie when she heads into the barn for milking.

    Click here to adopt Sonny!

Sponsor one of our beautiful, funny goats for monthly content straight to your inbox!

Love goats, or know someone who would love to be gifted a goat? Fostering a Manitoulin Farmstead goat means enjoying all the wonderful things about goats without having to worry about housing or feeding one! Adopting a goat means that you (or the person you are gifting a goat adoption to) will receive:

  • Monthly email updates about your goat and the MF herd

  • Personalized Adoption Certificate 

  • 4 half price goat walks

  • Special in-person adoption: Up to 4 visits lasting 1 hour with your goat (1 parent/guardian may attend without extra cost if adoptor/sponsor is a child) Extra people may join for $20/person.

  • auto-renewed annually unless you cancel!