The Natural Over the Artificial: Why We Prefer Holistic Medicines

Hey there, fellow nature enthusiasts and holistic health believers! This is Natalie from Manitoulin Island’s favourite Farmstead, and today I want to talk to you about something very close to my heart—holistic livestock health.

A Journey into Holistic Health

Holistic health has been a cornerstone of my personal life for years. Long before I started applying these principles to our livestock, I was already deeply engrossed in the world of herbal supplements, natural skincare, and other forms of alternative medicine and self care. In our household, tinctures and herbal teas aren’t just pantry staples—they’re a way of life. So, when we decided to raise a herd of Mini Lamancha goats, it felt like a natural extension to bring those same principles into our farming practices.

What is Holistic Livestock Health?

Holistic livestock health isn’t about treating symptoms; it’s about nourishing a lifestyle. It’s a comprehensive care approach that doesn’t just stop at what they eat. It includes their emotional well-being, their environment, and even the natural remedies they are given for illness prevention and treatment.

How We Live Holistically with Our Goats

Our farm is a sanctuary not just for us but also for our goats—Heather, ReMi, Amidala, Leia, Tempo, Lyric, and the newest kids on the block, Poppy, Primrose, Laurel, Sonny and Kano. These goats aren’t just livestock; they’re family.

The Best of Nature’s Pharmacy

My kitchen shelves aren’t the only place you’ll find jars of herbal supplements. We provide our goats with herbal dewormers, garlic, and essential oils to support their immune systems, staying true to the holistic belief of ‘prevention over cure.’ A strong immune system makes a strong and healthy animal (and human!)

A Dream for a Mineral Buffet: The Next Step on Our Holistic Journey

One initiative we’re keenly interested in but haven’t been able to implement yet is a mineral buffet system for our goats. We’re convinced of the value this would bring to our herd’s health and well-being, but issues like cost and Canadian mineral policies have put this on hold for now. We’re actively looking for ways to make this work in the future.

Emotional and Community Health

Emotional well-being is often an overlooked aspect of animal husbandry. Our matriarchs, Heather and ReMi, set a tone of tranquility and communal joy that pervades the whole herd. Trust me, a happy goat is a healthy goat!

Why This Matters for All Livestock

The holistic approach transcends species. Whether you’re raising sheep, horses, or cattle, embracing holistic health can bring about transformative changes:

Sheep: Imagine less stress during lambing season and superior wool quality, more tender meat.

Horses: Think shinier coats and robust hooves.

Cattle: Consider the benefits of hardier animals, enhanced milk production and overall vitality.

The Circle Comes Back to Us

While we currently keep our delicious, high-butterfat goat milk for family use, its superior quality is a testament to holistic living. From soap to cheese, and from yoghurt to our family’s table, the cycle of holistic health comes full circle, enriching every aspect of our lives.

The Natural Over the Artificial: Why We Prefer Holistic Medicines

One of the biggest reasons we gravitate towards natural medicines and remedies is the concern over the growing resistance many parasites and illnesses show to synthetic pharmaceuticals. Take the issue of deworming, for example. Over the years, it’s become increasingly clear that many parasites have developed a resistance to chemical dewormers. This is problematic, not just because it makes these pharmaceuticals less effective, but also because it forces an increased use of stronger medications, which could have detrimental side effects and create an unending cycle of resistance.

Choosing natural remedies such as herbal dewormers, beneficial plants (garlic!), and essential oils allows us to tackle these problems at their root, often without the risk of causing resistance or side effects. This doesn’t mean we shun all forms of conventional medicine; there’s a time and place for everything. However, our default approach is one of caution and respect for the natural world and the intricate balance of health and wellness it provides.

Natural medicines often work in harmony with the body’s own mechanisms, supporting rather than disrupting its balance. This often means a more sustainable, long-term solution to health issues that don’t contribute to the cycle of resistance we see in the world of pharmaceuticals.

Through practice and observation, we’ve seen first-hand the tangible benefits of using natural over synthetic options in both our animals and ourselves and our children. And, it’s not just our goats that benefit from this philosophy but all the livestock we envision being a part of our farm in the future. After all, sustainable and holistic health is a lifetime commitment, one that we willingly make for ourselves and for our animals.

By carefully selecting our approaches to livestock health, we’re making a commitment to sustainable farming practices that will serve us, our animals, and our community for generations to come.


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